To: papertyger
To Prodn2000: "Do you have a learning disability, or are you normally this intellectually dishonest"
What about both? :)
To: Jameison
What about both? :)I like to give people a choice so they have a chance to save face when they've written something monumentally stupid.
Less hurt feelings that way ;o)
333 posted on
06/11/2006 11:26:47 PM PDT by
(Evil preys on civility.)
To: Jameison; papertyger
Intellectual honesty is always important. If Arnold Schwarzenegger makes a speech, it is not the doctrine of the California state government. If Barbara Boxer or Dianne Feinstein makes a speech, it is not the doctrine of the United States Senate. If John McCain makes a speech or a graduation commencement, it is not the doctrine of the New World Order/World Trade Organization/United Nations.
The United States Constitution tells us how to make and enforce laws. The tenth amendment tells us that the states make laws that do not fall under the US code. The New Jersey State Constitution does not let rogue members of its assembly to make laws "ad lib." A bill has to be written, passed by the legislative body, and signed by the Governor.
I do not have a learning disability. Intellectual honesty is only good and well if it is practiced all of the time. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson