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To: Agamemnon

Dude, if you see the benefits of conservatism, and support conservatism, you are a conservative.

You do not have to be a creationist or a Christian to be a conservative.

281 posted on 06/11/2006 3:06:45 PM PDT by stands2reason (You cannot bully or insult conservatives into supporting your guy.)
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To: stands2reason
Dude, if you see the benefits of conservatism, and support conservatism, you are a conservative. You do not have to be a creationist or a Christian to be a conservative.

Dude-ette, if you are not part of the conservative movement, both physically and philosophically, you are not a true conservative but merely opportunist.

Clue to you: the blessings of American conservatism are the outworkings of Judeo-Christian morality and ethic put into practice. Cauterization morality forms the basis of true American conservative philosophy.

As a Buddhist, America is pleased to provide you with a free environment in which you may equally and along side others freely practice your brand of religion, be it Hindu, Buddhist, I-Ching, Pantheism, B'hai, or pompous-assed evolutionism. Throw in those who practice atheism there too, but they're only kidding themselves anyway, and in America, atheists are free to kid themselves all they want.

None of those religions, however, philosophically form the basis of American conservatism -- and American conservatism is true conservatism. As a Buddhist, who believes they are evolving to a higher state of existence through a series of re-incarnations, striving for Nirvana has no resemblance to the Darwinian evolutionary premise. You of course are welcome to hold both positions in spite of their mutually contradictory stances.

You are not in either case a true conservative, because philosophically you cannot be a true movement conservative and at the same time hold to pseudo-scientific evolutionary philosophy. You are merely acting in your own self-interests, which happen to coincide with some of the goals of true conservatism, even as many libertarians do.

302 posted on 06/11/2006 5:08:24 PM PDT by Agamemnon (Intelligent Design is to evolution what the Swift Boat Vets were to the Kerry campaign)
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