Here's my view on this:
The government knew at some future date it was going to have to call upon the people to help clean out domestic enemies. But in order for that to work, it had to make sure the people could arm themselves at a moment's notice.
If they would have passed a law forcing everyone to acquire a personal armory, the people would have balked. You know, as a child would balk by nature against force of any kind.
So how to resolve that?
Reverse psychology, of course.
Hence, gun laws, gun restrictions, gun bans out the ying yang, knowing that we would balk at being forced to be without arms.
Think about it.
Everytime new gun legislation hits the front burner, everyone runs out and stocks up on ammo and buys another gun they didn't want.
Of course, the government knew that a large percentage of the folks were sheeple and couldn't be counted on to do much in the way of protecting themselves or the neighborhood anyway, and would probably hide in their cellars during a real emergency.
But it knew it could count on a small percentage of well-armed, dedicated, professional, fearless individuals who could fill in the gap at an instant's notice without having to spend a penny.
Bahstids! I'm gun-poor!
Government is going the wrong way. It cannot be allowed to go too much further or we are REALLY gonna be in the soup...