Agreed. This is really a battle over legal rights and priveleges - gay couples already exist and already are "married" according to their own definitions. Erase the legal benefits and most of the impetus for government-sanctioned "gay marriage" will evaporate. Of course, there are those that will continue to think a governmental slip of paper somehow morally legitimizes what they do in the eyes of society, but they're already hopeless statists IMO.
IMO legal rights and priveleges are just smokescreens. For people who scoff at the importance of this issue, make no mistake. Next to the "War for Oil", this is the second most important issue on college campuses and with liberals across the country. By framing it as a "civil rights struggle," they are setting up the next battle. Specifically, a battle against churches and religion in general.
By forcing the legality of gay "marriage" upon our country, in spite of the fact that it has been voted against everywhere a public vote as been allowed, they will be able to file lawsuits against any church who doesn't comply. In Canada pastors are not allowed to preach against homosexuality from the pulpit. They can only read the verses on that topic verbatim from the Bible. Already, some have been put on trial. The gay marriage issue is HUGE, and that is why so much effort and money is being spent in trying to force it into become a reality.
This issue has layers of smokescreens in front of it. I wish more Americans could look past them and consider the long-term consequences.