I guess you really didn't read what I said, not this time, and not the times before that. So, I don't expect you to "read"this, but I will give it one last shot anyway:
Your "god" negates himself and says differeng things, your "god" is not consistent in many ways, and so, therefore cannot be trusted. The True God always is consistent, it is not in His nature not to be. You are still seeking confirmation that your beliefs (what you are leaning on - man's ways or views of God) are true. That is why you are continuing on in these conversations and cannot quit. Again, you are seeking some kind of confirmation - not of the the Truth of God, but of in whose hand you are placing your own life. And that is simply a result of the bondage of being a slave to man's ways, or man's thoughts of his personal made up god's ways. But the "bondage" to Christ Jesus, to the God of the bible results is liberty to such bondage. I pray that you will someday see His face - in this earthly tent.
I do not have a God, I believe only in one God, for all things, creator of all things.
How is it, that you can speak for what you believe is my god? I thought you had said earlier, that there was no way of proving any of this? You speak, as if you are certain of these things which are un-provable.
It's odd, but I feel that you do not read what I say either.