No thanks to her hiding under the bed and leaving her 15 year old to defend her and the family. The kid is a true hero, but the mother should be ashamed of herself.
I agree. I can't believe she was too frightened to use a gun. These are her children for pete's sake. sigh.
I loved this article. While I think the boy is deserving of our praise, I can't help thinking that you're a little too hard on the mom. There are people in this world who just don't react well in emergency situations. And then there are those who do and get the praise they deserve for it. Luckily my husband always reacts calmly and rationally when it is most needed. I would like to think that I would too, if it were really needed like with an intruder, but I can't say that I'm confident I would. I've been in situations in the past, (less important than what was described in the article, but adrenaline producing nevertheless) where I did really well and others where I later had to admit to myself that I should have been able to react more sensibly, more quickly.
That is why the real heroes stand out and impress us. I'm impressed with this kid (and the training he had received ahead of time), just like I was impressed with Rudi Guilliani and so many others on Sept 11, 2001, but it did not occur to me to be ashamed of the mom for not being the hero.
It's probably better that the mom did leave the room and hide with the younger kids. Her son didn't need to deal with the home invader and his hysterical mom. Her hysteria would have distracted him from the bad guy and this could have ended badly, had that occurred.
A little harsh on the mom. At 15, there was NO WAY my mom could have done a better job than me defending against an attack like that.