As much as anything, Lay and Skillin were caught in a market collapse and being in a leveraged position, they got caught in the downdraft and didn't know how to get out of it.
You are on target concerning Moussaui. Think about OJ Simpson with all the DNA evidence in world and he walks free after slitting two throats and keeps his $600,000/yr pension following conviction in a civil case. Go figure.
> As much as anything, Lay and Skillin were caught in a market collapse and being in a leveraged position, they got caught in the downdraft and didn't know how to get out of it.
Um, no. Like Social Security, they played a massive game of Ponzi-style financial shenanigans, and hundreds of thousands paid the price.
Finally they are going to jail. Good. I hope it is a PMITA prison and not Club Fed.