Depends. If that person is a 20-something year old whose parents make 150K, is that person still "working poor"? What if his parents help bail him out, let him drive the family truckster, take him on vacations to the Bahamas. Is he still working poor?
How about the free spirit who lives at 9,000 ft somewhere in the Rockies. Is that person "working poor"?
If you rake in $750,000.00 or 2.5 mil a year on your wise probably wouldn't consider yourself "middle class".
"Rake in"? That's a mighty loaded phrase. So how about 200K? Is that middle class or rich? What about 300K?
I can tell from your posts you have a chip on your shoulder about money. Might want to work on that.
Just because you can't put a fine point on it doesn't mean it does not exist.
Not only can we not put a fine point on it, we can't even determine what it means or who it applies to.
No chip on my shoulder about money. My investments earned 38% last year. Thanks for your concern though. My point is this: Just because you discount the "middle classes" as a fallacy does not mean that others do. Get over it.