It looks chlorinated... don't know about sterilized.
Rte66, RE dark monitor... I lived that way too long. Check your video card and monitor and replace 'em... that picture's not all that dark and there's a better life out there where you can see !
Oh, believe me, if I could replace this monitor, and this PC, I would. I'm stuck with it/them, both.
I've run through three newer monitors in 4 years and this is my oldest (and last one left of the "spares") - it's over 15 years old and really isn't all that bad, just on some of the darkest colors--and not on all of them.
If y'all would just drive more and quit griping about the price of gas, maybe I could get new *everything*! (I don't even have a sound card or video on this PC, tho I did on all the other ones.) Long, pathetic story.