We ARE talking about the country where all manner of animals walk all over the place, leaving their calling cards everywhere, aren't we? We're talking about the country where Muslims and Hindus still kill each other, right? The place with thousands of dieties and a caste system?
I suspect the India you have in mind is the one you wish existed.
In case you dont know, all manner of animals walk all over the surface of this planet, including Homosapiens and of course some Neandertals who leaving their calling cards everywhere on FR bothering to talking about a country they know nothing about.
I dont want to be drawn into a lengthy discussion here, but I'm an Indian Christian and can vouch no one is persecuting all christians.
The country is rather divided into two segments - haves and have nots.
Religious violence occurs, but its mostly a Hindu-Muslim thing. Never heard of Christian-Hindu mob violence in mainstream India.
I dont know why some people are intent on provoking a fight between Hindus and Christians.
Just practice live and let live, stop name calling and such childish behavior.
The word you're looking for is "Neanderthal." Learning how to spell it before using it would be a good idea.