So Barry Goldwater was a neocon in 1964, huh? I guess, according to this, Ralph Nader would be more of a conservative than William F. Buckley, Frank Meyer, Hayek, Thomas Sowell and Rush Limbaugh.
Obviously, that's absurd. Ralph Nader, like Pat Buchanan, are neither one of them conservatives in so far as either believes in centralized governance with respect to economic matters. Economic nationalism is a form of socialism practiced by the likes of Hugo Chavez, and the national government telling businesses who they may buy or sell to is a form of economic nationalism. As such, it is not only unconservative but as profoundly antithetical to America's principles as monarchism.
You win the prize for the most cogent, coherent and accurate post on this otherwise comical thread. I know your competition wasn't exactly fierce, but congratulations anyway.