What PD wrote here, you haven't addressed. His main point, I think, is that the border-bots are dividing us unneccesarily, being helped by Kos kiddies and Duers who want us divided, and if successful will rule us in ways you will absolutely hate.
If the border bots foresake us, no matter what is done......(and it now seems to me they have forsaken conservatism so they can pout and prove how right they are)......you will lose in unspeakable ways when the Dems take over.
If the Dems take over:
1. The WOT will cease, and radical Islam can regroup
2. We will all get tax increases and our economy will shrink, putting us in serious danger.
3. The judiciary will be re-packed with judges that do things like....hmmmmmm.......forbid the public from not paying services for illegals.
4. The judiciary will be packed with those who vote for the culture of death, more Schiavvos and no hope of reversing the carnage of Roe v Wade
5. More and more regs on you personally, and the free market.
6. The Dem platform is hideous, and they will push hard and succeed for it.
Do you really want those things to happen? This when the President actually proposed half of what you want, which is border security? You only answer by saying Bush must be lying or be insincer......I want that security as much as you, but the border bots seem to want to just rant now.
Wait until the Dems are in and they have their way. Votes for all illegals, every single position you hold dear even in the anti-immi debate will be gone forever.
So decide.......you want them? Just keep it up, they're coming and will love the help of the border bots.
The Dems arent going to take over...maybe the House but nothing else. The Dems are incapable of offering anything but anger. They have shown time after time that they are capable of pulling defeat out of the teeth of apparent victory. They are losers. Maybe if they do take the House, the President might finally use his veto. If he does and the Senate uses its fillibuster, hell will freeze over before the Dems control anything.
I didn't address that which I find absurd.
Calling people names because they're not heel-clickers does nothing but create more divisions.
Are there people here who have an agenda contrary to the conservative cause, of course. But labeling everyone who disagrees with this President's domestic policies does not make them what you call them. Neither will I promote voting in those wear their clothing, either, just because they managed to get an R after their name. Or don't you think that they've also infiltrated the Republican party? e.g., McCain.