That is not true as the democrats all hang together on issues (how I don't have a clue - but they do). And, the policies of that party are socialistic/communistic and do not seek to preserve the United States.
You may not be republican but at least look at what the parties stand for. We are in very dangerous times.
I know what the partys are supposed to stand for and used to stand for.
If I have a choice between a Democrat that supports the 2nd amendment, is against more government interference in my personal life, wants to lower taxes, wants to lessen the government debt, and is pro-life, and a Republican that wants to have government decide whether or not I can even BUY a pistol, wants more government regulation, wants to increase taxes to pay for pork, doesn't care about the government debt because HE ain't gonna pay it, and is pro-choice - I'm gonna vote for the Democrat.
It ain't gonna happen very often but there are shades of every color in between.