Perhaps you are not aware that the GOP is not a monolithic, totalitarian party wherein anyone not toeing the Party Line is liquidated?
I have no objection to "raising objections" and have done so myself. My problem is those gleefully threatening to throw the baby our with the bathwater and aid our deadly enemies thereby.
If you want to use a baseball analogy a more appropriate example would be to turn on a team because a couple of players are having a bad year. The House has voted on an Immigration bill the conservatives claim they like and the Senate GOPers voted 2/3s AGAINST a bill the conservatives claim they hate. Yet, the threats continue against the GOP. Insanity, nothing but insanity.
It's not insane. I think that's my issue here.
Even Rush is saying that he doesn't understand why the WH and Senate GOP (and GOP HQ) doesn't get it.
These aren't guys having a bad season. As Rush says, the house has the only real durable conservative majority in all three branches. He's given up, essentially given up, on W as a viable conservative.
I agree with him on this. We have a long way to go in the Senate - probably another 8 Senators before we have anything close to a durable conservative majority there.
46 million tuned in to the President's speech on immigration. Rove is selling Amnesty to the House, and they are telling him, "Have you looked out the window lately?"
This isn't a partisan issue. My whack-job liberal in-laws are rock solid on immigration, and can't understand why guys like McCain or Bush doesn't get it.
This is a NO BRAINER issue. If the GOP has all three branches and can't get it through their heads on this issue, it shakes everyone's confidence in their ability to handle national security at all levels.
That may not be fair, but it is reasonable for Joe Sixpack to arrive at that conclusion. It isn't insane, is my point.
Now, I'm not saying the Democrats have an alternative. They are actually to stupid to capitalize on the golden opportunity laid before them either.
If Pelosi or Reid came out and said, "Even Ray Charles can see you have to close down the border first . . .", they'd be back on the road to the middle again from way far out left.