Your error is, you don't understand the conservatives.
Calling them "one trick" is a big misunderstanding. A 'conservative' is for smaller govt and strong defense. Over and over again, Mr. Bush has pushed for larger govt and ignored border defense issues.
This is not "one trick". It's "the latest trick". This is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Bush has been, by my thinking, 30% conservative (the war) and 70% liberal (medicare drugs, the border, etc, etc, etc).
For you to put personal loyalty to him above "conservative" principles is your right -- but don't be surprised if others handle it differently.
"Over and over again, Mr. Bush has pushed for larger govt and ignored border defense issues. "
There's simply no way to have a rational discussion with anyone who would try to sell this kind of distortion of reality. To the contrary, "over and over again" the President has worked hard to increase national security overall and to protect this nation from another terrorist attack. His border policy may not be to your liking or to the liking of extremists, but it is in line with the thinking of most conservatives, including Ronald Reagan.