Hey guys; if the three of you can just hang in there a little while longer, keep bashing the Prez and the Pubbies, stir up as much hatred for W and the GOP as you can; come '08, Hillary gonna save us all. HALLELUJAH!!!
It's a shame one has to include "Sarc." into a post that should be so obvious but for the dummies out there...................
Dude, get a clue!! Before you start lumping us all together as Bush-bashers, allow me to educate you. I voted for GHW Bush to be Prez. I voted for W to be Gov. of Texas - TWICE!!! I voted for W to be Prez - TWICE!!! I voted for HIS brother Jeb to be Gov. of FloriDUH - TWICE!!!! So, if I'm a Bush-basher, I've earned the right.
Frankly, I have a STRONG disagreement with Bush's position on this issue. He is condoning law breakers and wants to reward them with citizenship. Try this on for size - guy comes into your house uninvited and starts sleeping on your couch, eating food out of your refrigerator and telling you to pick up more milk after he has drunk the last of it. Do you want (A) the police to come in and arrest the guy for breaking into your house and stealing from you, or do you want (B) the police to award him half ownership of your house and tell you that you just have to live with the situation?
We have situation A already with the invaders. Bush wants to resolve it by giving us situation B.
We are contantly being told that we are a nation of laws, NOT MEN!!! The President of the United States of America is charged with seeing to it that the laws of this great nation are enforced, and he's NOT doing his job!!
As one of his employers, I haave the right to call him on the carpet about it!!
Meanwhile, enjoy the carpet-bagger sleeping on your couch.
You know, I just don't care what the other guy's wife is doing if mine is running around on me.
I think that addressing our illegal immigration problem with the largest ever amnesty in history is a very poor idea. Sorry if that offends you.