The bible has a consistent message regarding aliens. There is not "proof texting" going on. A proof text is typically an isolated verse that is taken out of context to demonstrate a point.
I demonstrated numerous texts dealing with aliens. I picked only a few of those that exist.
The bible consistently teaches compassion and mercy for aliens. It does not make our modern distinctions between legal and illegal.
Therefore, Christians are called upon to deal with BOTH legals and illegals in a compassionate and merciful manner....EVEN WHEN we must deport them. Even then it is possible to be BOTH merciful and decisive.
I have no problem with a nation having immigration and naturalization laws. We have a unique situation with our southern border in that we are a rich nation bordering a 3rd world nation. OF COURSE some of those folks from that land of poverty and exploding population are going to come up here.
They are still made in God's image, and Christians should remember that we are people of mercy and compassion.
All well and good, but compassion must be tempered with reason, must not ignore those who are motivated to take advantage of your compassion and that same reason must be equally concerned with what has created the cause of your need to be compassionate and how will your response affect the cause.
Mexico is not poor because there is something wrong with "Mexicans" or that its land is poor.
Mexico is not advancing economically because its political and business class has intentionally refused to make reforms that would open up and release the economic initiative its people are capable of.
Further, Mexico is using illegal immigration to release domestic pressure towards needed reforms.
The needed reforms would, while helping the people and the economy, require that the ruling political and business elites would lose political and financial protection of their vested interests.
The process of using Mexican migrant labor as mules - exported labor - has become so addictive that one of the current "economic solutions" being discussed in Mexico is to get exported Mexican labor into Spain, for which discussions with Spain were opened this year. A country that is getting its greatest % of foreign exchange from its mules overseas (Mexico - 20+ billion/year) is not a country that is solving its problems. It has converted its human labor into a means of avoiding solutions.
Our "compassion" in the immediate sense is only playing into a bad situation that cries out for solutions IN MEXICO, not here.
By enabling the Mexican addiction to exported labor, we are helping to insure the continuation of the problem, insuring continued need for our "compassion" while failing to assist those who would rather not need to become the exported labor, in need of our compassion.
To tell your self you feel better, feel more moral, is neither compassionate nor reasoned in the long run, when you should be willing to face the causes of the need for your compassion and address those causes, not the symptoms.
Yes, everyone deserves human treatment, at all times, but our compassion must be tempered by reason, not folly.