Here is the actual clause:
Verizon must disclose information, as necessary, to comply with court orders or subpoenas. Verizon also will share information to protect its rights or property and to protect users of its services and other carriers from fraudulent, abusive or unlawful use of services.
Here's my spin: terrorists are "fraudulent" in using cell phones if they base the account on false social security numbers or IDs. They are "abusing" or "unlawfully" using the service if they are planning a terrorist attack with it.
I guess one can argue that if the terrorist is paying their bill on time that they are not unlawfully using the service even if they are using it to plan an unlawful event. I guess one can argue that it is not Verizon's concern if the credentials used to obtain the service account were false as long as the bill gets paid each month.
And that's the other big problem today. If concepts can be stretched to have any meaning, then nothing has meaning.