If a major storm hits my area I don't want the President walking around shaking hands and nodding his head. I don't expect him to know the ends and outs of Texas. (well ok, I would expect him to know a little more than a foreigner:') Anyway that is my Governors job. If I should act like NO and cry and demamd more and more while bad mouthing him, I give him permission to tell me "fine, fix it yourself", put the money tree on a flat bed and tell Fema to go home. NO was an opportunity for his enemies. Do you still hear about problems in Florida? Mississippi, what about Houston?. Why not? They all suffered damage. You have to ask yourself, could you have done better in NO? The writing was already on the wall.
You've missed my point entirely, I didn't say anything about Bush arriving in NO within minutes of Katrina passing thru ... that's not expected of him. However, by positioning himself in Washington, or at NORAD, instead of his vacation ranch in Crawford, it would have squelched any charges by the 'Rats and liberal MSM that he didn't grasp the enormity of the situation. Instead he pulled a real rookie blooper, boarded AF1 on the morning immediately after Katrina hit and flew out to a fund raiser in San Diego. Not smart ...