Well, you know I agree with you 100%. As usual. (Are we related or something?) LOL
We have lots of people who come here pretending to be conservatives and then the third party people who haven't had a winning candidate ever and won't in their lifetimes.
The president is the only president in my lifetime to tackle this problem and should be given kudos for that but instead is pilloried by faux conservatives at every turn. It's quite interesting to watch the trolls pretend they really like the president but...
Grin...just sensible, I think.
The ones that make me laugh the most are those who are always saying they will vote for [fill in the blank] to "send a message" to the Republicans (why are they never sending messages to the Dims?). The illogic of this way of thinking is amazing. All minor party candidates combined rarely get more than around 5% of the vote in any election, usually much less. That's the whole spectrum of them combined, from the far Left to the far Right.
Like all Americans, Mr. or Ms. "Send A Message" votes in private and anonymously. No one knows how he or she votes, and there sure isn't anyone waiting breathlessly outside the polling place to take the "message" and race over to deliver it to the Republicans.
All old Send-A-Message accomplishes is to marginalize himself. Until the internet came along, he was not only marginalized, but had no real outlet for his spew.