Let me fill you in. This will explain what you have said to be as correct as you think it is. Back in her younger days she had a really pretty cool dark Irishman boyfriend by the name David Rupert. He and Hillary used to go off to Vermont together, as the story goes (Gail Sheehy - "Hillary's Choice"), and shack up in an old farmhouse, smoked a little weed and do whatever else.
David loved to cross-country ski. He repeatedly tried to have Hillary join him. She would not ........... David commented on this, Hillary and her tragic flaw. He said, "Hillary is afraid to fall down." She is patently unable to deal with failure and completely unable to laugh at herself. That is type of humorless girl that other girls do not want at their slumber parties. Everyone knows that everything she ever does is for HERSELF. That is a serious turnoff.
That's the scoop.
Might explain why she can't handle confrontations and hides out instead of facing them
I am afraid you may have hit the nail on the head. Hillary is terrified of failure, and it may have come from her Father's strict guidance early. Her brother's lives and lifestyles are not anything to cheer about either.