Maybe not, but it won't matter. The Liberal/Socialist parties in Canada are being reduced to rump status with small power bases in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Their power and influence is receeding, not expanding. The new government is actively pursuing terrorists and their organizations.
Several recent stories illustrate how things are changing in Canada.
1) It came to light, recently, that the the CIA and FBI might be engaged in wiretapping terrorists in Canada, perhaps with collusion of Canadian authorities. That was a ONE DAY STORY that DIED. Nobody cared.
2) The new government is packing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS onto airplanes and deporting them to their country of origin. Very little outcry, in fact the majority of Canadians agree with this policy.
3) Prime Minister Harper made a trip to Afghanistan to support the Canadian troops fighting AQ in Khandahar. There have been some deaths among the soldiers, and there will be more. The government announced that there will be no mourning ceremonies for individual deaths and the media will not be allowed to use these occasions for propaganda purposes. The media howled, the public agreed with the PM.
4) The PM has started to insert the phrase "God Bless Canada" at the end of his speeches. Once again, the media is upset, but except for the athiests and agnostics, the public is not objecting.
As a result of these, and many other actions, the Conservative government's approval rating has gone up since the election. We expect another election next year that should result in a substantial Conservative majority government. I think this Conservative governmentis standing tall and gaining approval every day.
I really glad to hear all this about Canada. Now can we kiss and make up?
Wow, I didn't know the sea change in Canada was so profound. This is very encouraging.