Do you think Newt is electable?
In the old days, bre-Bush, I used to worry about things like 'electability'. Now I would vote for the Hildebeast herself if she ran against open borders no more H1B's.
I know a lot of FR say they won't vote for him because of her personal background, but to be perfectly honest, at this point I care more about how strong a leader someone is going to be and how much the person running our country understands history and why it should not be repeated.
Newt is a lot of things, but I don't think anyone can deny he is a conservative and very brilliant and he certainly knows history.
In addition, I don't think he'd be afraid to use the veto if need be or stand up to Putin and China over Iran if that is called for... I think he has a good understanding of South America and what is happening down there, too..
According to things I've read he is getting a good reception so far in both Iowa and New Hampshire -- and he is not what I would call a RINO and not McCain light.