To: MedicalMess
If this guy was 'unbalanced' because he killed himself as he failed in an exam , then my guess would most people in societies oriented towards academics must be the same way as well - Indians , Japanese , Chinese , and certainly a lot of Americans......Some folks take this stuff -exams , degrees , grades seriously.
30 posted on
05/04/2006 1:31:16 AM PDT by
To: Raj13008
"If this guy was 'unbalanced' because he killed himself as he failed in an exam , then my guess would most people in societies oriented towards academics must be the same way as well - Indians , Japanese , Chinese , and certainly a lot of Americans......Some folks take this stuff -exams , degrees , grades seriously."
See, there it is. I've been saying that we shouldn't hire these people for years because they all boarder on "flake".
I mean really. Do you want the engineer that grew up with no toys on a dirt floor? Or, do you want the engineer that grew up with the erector set, with Tonka toys, HO train set, and Johnny Eagle M14 rifle? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson