Yes, we sure have. Prior to President Bush having the guts and foresight to attack both Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans around the world were being slaughtered by the Islamofacist freaks while Clinton and our government treated a war as a garden-variety crime problem.
It's no accident at all that since 9/11/01 we have not been hit again. No African embassy bombings. No USS Cole-like incidents. No 9/11-style massive attacks. Other countries have been hit, and our soldiers have been attacked in Afghanistan and Iraq. But American civilian targets here and overseas have not been hit.
But as time as passed, Americans as a people have continued to slip back into the comfortable old ways of doing things. Justice is once again backwards as members of Congress call for the impeachment of the man who kept us safe these past five years while our fellow citizens spare the life of one of the Islamowarriors who made 9/11 happen. And others of our fellow citizens sit around here bitching and moaning and playing right into the hands of those who want to both impeach the president and spare the lives of men like Moussaui.
I am sick at heart over these developments.
He'll be jail bait for horney guys. They'll rip him every chance they get and he'll wish he never heard of mohammed.