But how, in a science class, could you possibly include all the thousands of different beliefs held about God? Why not keep all that in philosophy and theology classes--surely it's already covered?
I would be fascinated to see someone show what a lesson plan and course outline would look like for an 'ID' based biology class--it is impossible to imagine.
I am not suggesting you include all the thousand of different beliefs held about God. I'm simply saying that demanding no mention of God is absurd. It is essentially demanding unbelief in God, since as author of all that exists, no true understanding of how His creation came into existence can be obtained without consideration of His power and nature. So when weighing the evidence, do not be so dogmatic about things untestable. I don't mind kids learning the different theories -- WITH RESPECT -- but the ridicule and dogmatism from the Church of Darwinism should end. The theory of Intelligent Design is just as valid as the theory of evolution. Frankly, I think Creationism is just as valid. But I would settle for an end to the rudeness, ridicule and absolutism.