To: Howlin
I expect we'll get to see him publicly named and prosecuted, just like Scooter Libby?
12 posted on
04/21/2006 12:04:06 PM PDT by
To: jpl
We darn sure BETTER!!!
And we aren't going to let them "forget" this like they have Barrett Report or Able Danger..
42 posted on
04/21/2006 12:12:22 PM PDT by
To: jpl
I expect we'll get to see him publicly named and prosecuted, just like Scooter Libby? I expect he/she will get rich from a book deal and making the rounds on all the MSM talk shows.
To: jpl
I wonder if giving the Pulitzers to people for stories based on leaks was meant to deter any official investigations (like in the Valerie Plame case) of those leaks.
To: jpl
"I expect we'll get to see him publicly named and prosecuted, just like Scooter Libby?"
And of course the media will villify this leaker for undermining national security just like they villified Libby (sarcasm). What we can expect, of course, are editorials complaining of the "chilling effect" that this will have on the public's "right to know." It will be cast as one more instance of the Bush administration's "obsession with secrecy."
To: jpl
"I expect we'll get to see him publicly named and prosecuted, just like Scooter Libby?"
I wonder if he/she was frog-marched out of the building.
353 posted on
04/21/2006 3:12:20 PM PDT by
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