I saw a guy yesterday in the local station complaining to everyone how he cannot afford these gas increases. The whole time in line while moaning he has a twelve pack under each arm at probably $10 per. And from his looks that would last him two days. Uh, stop drinking and apply that too gas. Would be much better off.
Look , I hate having to pay more for gas. My wife and I make around 75k per year. Not rich, but not struggling too mightily either. But once I get past the hysteria, it isn't affecting us all that much. We just cut back on some other little things. We had a normal Friday night ritual of ordering pizza for us and the three kids. Now we do it every two weeks. Saves $60 a month right there. That is probably more than the the difference in our fuel costs monthly.
I feel bad for those who are really struggling. I just question how many are really that strapped, or maybe they just need something to complain about. Smart choices can make a world of difference.