To: starbase
"How funny these uber-leftists want to now be the ones doing the banning, not the ones flaunting the ban!!"
Perhaps it has something to do with the ideological isolation under which most universities exist. The "diversity" of political, social, and ideological thought is limited to the far left. The professors live in ivory towers within these institutions, creating an almost incestuous relationship within the campuses. It's a classic example of "group think" with very little or no "tolerance" for any dissent. The hypocritical nature of what these universities are doing apparently hasn't occurred to them.
100 posted on
04/14/2006 5:59:49 AM PDT by
To: khnyny
The hypocritical nature of what these universities are doing apparently hasn't occurred to them
You really don't understand. They are engaged in a revolutionary struggle to create the New Man (or Womyn or Transexual or whatever) who will Inhabit The New Revolutionary One World Socialist Paradise. They are Uberhuman, above good and evil, and above hypocrisy.
136 posted on
04/14/2006 2:35:29 PM PDT by
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