It reads like things I used to read in Analog when I could still find a copy of Analog for sale at my local store...been awhile.
I have something like a 10-year supply in a box in my basement. I have to read through them. I didn't read so much of them in college and the years after, just a few short stories and the science articles (the ones I could comprehend after the first two pages). Some issues have disappeared on me. I remmeber having to buy another copy of the issue with part 1 of "The Smoke Ring" because I waited for part 4 to start reading it. A couple I put aside to save because I liked some of the stories and I thought that they were good guides to writing good Analog stories. (I haven't written a good Analog story yet. Someday. Maybe. But I doubt it -- I don't know the science part well enough.)