Man,your knowledge is off the hook!
Your Birch Society reference tickled me.I used to "kick it"with them back in the 1965-66 era.In fact,one of the Southern California Chapter leaders used to hold court with me in his palatial Lake Tahoe vacation home and regale me with stories about how"the niggers"were going to burn Pasadena to the ground July Fourth!
Back then I was seeking some cool conservatives to hang out with but the racism and anti-Semitism was stifling!Got into libertarain-anarchist Karl Hess for a while later.Now,I don't join groups.
Or at least found one I was totally comfortable with.
This chapter helped me to wage guerrilla warfare on the Left, which dominated nearby Occidental College, which I was attending. On one occasion, we put up some protest banners the night before former Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren made an appearance, and on another, we arranged for a black activist to come on campus and distributed fliers throughout the school for the event.
I didn't hang around the Birch Society very long. Their insistance that a shadowy "master conspiracy" is responsible for all the world's troubles was something I just couldn't swallow.