Heard my first (annoying) radio commercial for the NC lottery this past Friday. Apparaently the target market really is very stupid. The irony is that it's called an Education lottery. Would proceeds plummet if they actually teach math more effectively?
Here in SC it's called the "Education Lottery" also. The lottery sales must be at an all time low since the state is using the profits to buy used school buses from other states. I know of NO ONE who has benefited from this scam.
It is a tax on people to support a system that teaches evolution.
It is a tax on people who believe in very long odds improbably benefitting them to support a system that teaches that we are all the beneficiaries of incredibly longer odds.
In fact, the schools have a vested interrest in not teaching math better. If the general populace were trained in real math, understood the probabilities against winning, or understood skills that would actually benefit them in life, the lottery proceeds would plummet. The schools get more money when people do not understand math, business, are not able to be a success without hoping for a lottery win, and are buying more tickets.