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To: AliVeritas

I hope she spends all 17 million on a loser campaign ala Kerry.

37 posted on 03/27/2006 3:10:38 PM PST by hattend
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To: hattend
Clinton has assembled a Titanic-size troop

I agree; I hope her campaign meets the same fate as the aforementioned Titanic.
41 posted on 03/27/2006 3:12:08 PM PST by rightwingintelligentsia (You know a liberal has lost the argument when he calls you a Nazi.)
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To: holdonnow

76 posted on 03/27/2006 3:21:30 PM PST by tiredoflaundry (I'll admit it , I'm a Snow Flake !(Snoq) The rest of my tagline redacted by court order.)
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To: holdonnow

So why don't we subtract the costs (prisons), from their aid... as well as school, in state tuition and healthcare costs?

190 posted on 03/27/2006 3:47:10 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: holdonnow

How about all the money sent to them through Western Union (also backing the anti-immigration)?

192 posted on 03/27/2006 3:48:14 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: eeevil conservative
Old style:

Or new style:

205 posted on 03/27/2006 3:51:45 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: eeevil conservative
Old style:

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION EDUCATION MELTDOWN IN AMERICA By Frosty Wooldridge January 10, 2005 How would you like your child in kindergarten through 12th grade attending classes with kids who can’t read, write, speak or understand English--or American education values? Furthermore, how would you feel if those students felt zero investment in education, in English and the American way? How would you like your child’s education dumbed down to that of a classroom from the Third World? Guess what? Today, if you’re a parent of a child in thousands of classrooms across America, that’s what’s happening to your children with your tax dollars. Unfortunately, more problems exist in America’s classrooms than an invasion of illegal alien children. As a former classroom teacher, I compassionately say: first, it’s not their fault. Second, they can’t help their parents breaking into our country. Third, their problems multiple our problems into educational failure for our children. Fourth, illegal alien parents pay little into the tax infrastructure to fund that education. The Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC, estimates a minimum of 1.1 million illegal alien children attend American schools. The great majority of them cannot and do not speak English. English as a Second Language classes costs taxpayers billions of dollars. The cost of educating California’s three million illegal aliens with their children exceeds $2.2 billion annually. It may be noted that over 100 languages must be dealt with in that state. (Source: California Department of Education) California supports the most illegals and suffers the greatest state debt at $38 billion. Move over to Colorado with 200,000 illegal aliens and they suffer a $140.6 million annual cost for educating illegal alien children. (Source: Colorado Department of Education) Take a swing over to Georgia where it costs their citizens $230 million annually for educating their illegal alien student population. As a former classroom teacher, there is another problem seldom appreciated by parents and politicians. You can’t teach ‘up’ to the standards of American education with a small number of illegal children who can’t speak English. You must teach ‘down’ or ‘dumb down’ the classroom experience for all your students. No matter how well meaning we are trying to educate foreign students who can’t or won’t speak English, they pour into classrooms faster than it is possible to absorb them into our national language. Their parents can’t help them because their parents are functionally illiterate or cannot speak English in most cases. It’s why you see test scores dropping across the land. Many kids are ‘promoted’ out of high school without the ability to read, write or think at the most elementary levels. The crisis has reached epidemic proportions in California, so much so, well over half the 16 year olds (Source: LA Times newspaper) cannot understand a city bus schedule or pass a driver’s license test. Why? They can’t read. In Colorado, three years ago, 51 percent of the potential high school graduating class of the Denver Public Schools flunked out or dropped out. Not only that, the classroom experience for all students degrades down to negative educational disasters. That’s why, according to the Rocky Mountain News, December 2004, one in five teachers quits or transfers out of the inner city. The reason is, as a former teacher myself, when you try teaching in such a chaotic and undisciplined classroom, it’s depressing and futile beyond comprehension. I taught two years in the ‘inner city’ and fled for my own emotional health. The teachers that stay, simply ‘numb’ their way through the day. In Austin, Minnesota, they feature a day care center for unwed mothers attending high school. The flunkout rates, drug problems and overall classroom experiences have deteriorated to Third World levels. Why? The meatpacking plants imported over 2,000 illegal aliens and their children now dominate the Austin classrooms into an educational nightmare. Another crisis prevents a solid education for American children and terrifies parents across the country. Since 15 million illegal aliens now operate in the United States, (Source: Time Magazine, September 2004), they have crossed our borders without a health screening. Their children crossed with them. In the past five years, over 16,000 new cases of tuberculosis have crossed over from Mexico. It’s called multi-drug resistant myco-bacterium TB and it kills two million people worldwide annually. Last fall a year ago, 30 kids tested positive along with four teachers in a small town north of Detroit, Michigan. But if you watch the newspapers, you’ll see new cases of TB popping up like toast all across the country. It’s a ticking time bomb because illegal alien children may carry the disease and infect your kids. Another disease carried into our schools is hepatitis ‘A’ and over 100,000 cases have migrated into our country from illegal aliens. The problem is—illegal aliens from Third World countries do not practice the same hygiene and personal sanitation habits we have fostered in our First World country. They often won’t visit health authorities because they don’t want to get caught. If your child sits in a classroom with illegal aliens, your child is at risk and so are you. Worse, in the past five years, 7,000 new cases of leprosy (Source: Hansen’s Disease, Lerner, NY Times 2/28/03) have migrated into the USA from illegal aliens from India, Brazil and the Caribbean. It’s now endemic to the East Coast for the first time in the history of the United States. If your child interacts with an illegal alien child carrying leprosy, your child may come home with a new case of this ancient disease. However, the worst aspect of this national educational crisis stems from the fact that millions of these illegals are not absorbing into the American way of life. They have no intention of speaking English or learning our ways. Do we want a divided country, a violent and uneducated underclass, a loss of a cohesive language and our own children dumbed down? What does that yield? It gives us a frightening harvest of illiterate, uneducated, antagonistic and non-invested young people exploding into our society with no academic skills. That’s WHY the Third World suffers what it suffers: lack of an educated citizenry. Further, it also fosters separation from those who speak English and pursue educational goals versus millions who have babies out of wedlock, no working skills, non-English speaking and an uncanny ability to ride welfare rolls with unprecedented talent. Finally, this Republic is a delicate form of governance. Yes, democracy is terribly delicate and one glimpse around the world will show you why. It requires four qualities to remain viable and functioning. First, it needs a highly educated population that can participate in its continuance. Second, it needs a population with a similar moral code.

212 posted on 03/27/2006 3:53:21 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: eeevil conservative

Illegal Aliens and American Medicine

215 posted on 03/27/2006 3:54:50 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: eeevil conservative

Illegal aliens threaten
U.S. medical system
Docs journal reports hospitals being closed, previously vanquished diseases being spread

Posted: March 13, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

Cristobal Silverio emigrated illegally from Mexico to Stockton, Calif., in 1997 to work as a fruit picker.

He brought with him his wife, Felipa, and three children, 19, 12 and 8 – all illegals. When Felipa gave birth to her fourth child, daughter Flor, the family had what is referred to as an "anchor baby" – an American citizen by birth who provided the entire Silverio clan a ticket to remain in the U.S. permanently.

But Flor was born premature, spent three months in the neonatal incubator and cost the San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, oldest daughter Lourdes married an illegal alien gave birth to a daughter, too. Her name is Esmeralda. And Felipa had yet another child, Cristian.

The two Silverio anchor babies generate $1,000 per month in public welfare funding for the family. Flor gets $600 a month for asthma. Healthy Cristian gets $400. While the Silverios earned $18,000 last year picking fruit, they picked up another $12,000 for their two "anchor babies."

While President Bush says the U.S. needs more "cheap labor" from south of the border to do jobs Americans aren't willing to do, the case of the Silverios shows there are indeed uncalculated costs involved in the importation of such labor – public support and uninsured medical costs.

In fact, the increasing number of illegal aliens coming into the United States is forcing the closure of hospitals, spreading previously vanquished diseases and threatening to destroy America's prized health-care system, says a report in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

"The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences," writes Madeleine Pelner Cosman, author of the report. "We judge reality primarily by what we see. But what we do not see can be more dangerous, more expensive, and more deadly than what is seen."

According to her study, 84 California hospitals are closing their doors as a direct result of the rising number of illegal aliens and their non-reimbursed tax on the system.

"Anchor babies," the author writes, "born to illegal aliens instantly qualify as citizens for welfare benefits and have caused enormous rises in Medicaid costs and stipends under Supplemental Security Income and Disability Income."

In addition, the report says, "many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease."

While politicians often mention there are 43 million without health insurance in this country, the report estimates that at least 25 percent of those are illegal immigrants. The figure could be as high as 50 percent.

Not being insured does not mean they don't get medical care.

Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985, hospitals are obligated to treat the uninsured without reimbursement.

"Government imposes viciously stiff fines and penalties on any physician and any hospital refusing to treat any patient that a zealous prosecutor deems an emergency patient, even though the hospital or physician screened and declared the patient's illness or injury non-emergency," says the report. "But government pays neither hospital nor physician for treatments. In addition to the fiscal attack on medical facilities and personnel, EMTALA is a handy truncheon with which to pummel politically unpopular physicians by falsely accusing them of violating EMTALA."

According to the report, between 1993 and 2003, 60 California hospitals closed because half their services became unpaid. Another 24 California hospitals verge on closure, the author writes.

"American hospitals welcome 'anchor babies,'" says the report. "Illegal alien women come to the hospital in labor and drop their little anchors, each of whom pulls its illegal alien mother, father, and siblings into permanent residency simply by being born within our borders. Anchor babies are citizens, and instantly qualify for public welfare aid: Between 300,000 and 350,000 anchor babies annually become citizens because of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."

Among the organizations directing illegal aliens into America's medical systems, according to the report, are the Ford Foundation-funded Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association's Commission on Immigration Policy, Practice, and Pro Bono, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the National Council of La Raza, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Migration Policy Institute, the National Network for Immigration and Refugee Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Because drug addiction and alcoholism are classified as diseases and disabilities, the fiscal toll on the health-care system rises.

When Linda Torres was arrested in Bakersfield, Calif., with about $8,500 in small bills in a sack, the police originally thought it was stolen money, explained the report. It was her Social Security lump sum for her disability -- heroin addiction.

"Today, legal immigrants must demonstrate that they are free of communicable diseases and drug addiction to qualify for lawful permanent residency green cards," writes Cosman, a medical lawyer, who formerly taught medical students at the City University of New York. "Illegal aliens simply cross our borders medically unexamined, hiding in their bodies any number of communicable diseases."

Many illegals entering this country have tuberculosis, according to the report.

"That disease had largely disappeared from America, thanks to excellent hygiene and powerful modern drugs such as isoniazid and rifampin," says the report. "TB's swift, deadly return now is lethal for about 60 percent of those infected because of new Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Until recently MDR-TB was endemic to Mexico. This Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to at least two major anti-tubercular drugs. Ordinary TB usually is cured in six months with four drugs that cost about $2,000. MDR-TB takes 24 months with many expensive drugs that cost around $250,000 with toxic side effects. Each illegal with MDR-TB coughs and infects 10 to 30 people, who will not show symptoms immediately. Latent disease explodes later.

TB was virtually absent in Virginia until in 2002, when it spiked a 17 percent increase, but Prince William County, just south of Washington, D.C., had a much larger rise of 188 percent. Public health officials blamed immigrants. In 2001 the Indiana School of Medicine studied an outbreak of MDR-TB, and traced it to Mexican illegal aliens. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases in 2001 to immigrants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ascribed 42 percent of all new TB cases to 'foreign born' people who have up to eight times higher incidences apparently, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam."

Other health threats from illegals include, according to the report:

Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or "kissing bug disease," is transmitted by the reduviid bug, which prefers to bite the lips and face. The protozoan parasite that it carries, Trypanosoma cruzi, infects 18 million people annually in Latin America and causes 50,000 deaths. The disease also infiltrates America's blood supply. Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs. No cure exists. Hundreds of blood recipients may be silently infected.
Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, was so rare in America that in 40 years only 900 people were afflicted. Suddenly, in the past three years America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy. Leprosy now is endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean and Mexico.
Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in America, though common in Ecuador, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Mexico. Recently, according to the report, there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico. Though dengue is usually not a fatal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever routinely kills.
Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants as do intestinal parasites, says the report.
Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas.
The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons report includes a strong prescription for protecting the health of Americans:

Closing America's borders with fences, high-tech security devices and troops.
Rescinding the U.S. citizenship of "anchor babies."
Punishing the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens as a crime.
An end to amnesty programs.

222 posted on 03/27/2006 3:56:11 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: Jim Robinson

Hey JR, can this blog reprint our comments?

Conservative Website FREE REPUBLIC Mutinies over Bush Comments!

238 posted on 03/27/2006 4:00:12 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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To: All

New TB seen in many illegal aliens, study says

240 posted on 03/27/2006 4:00:53 PM PST by AliVeritas (“Pacifism is objectively pro-Islamo-Fascist.”)
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