History Lesson
- by Mia T
Someone--was it Maupassant?-- once called history "that excitable and lying old lady." The same can be said of historians. Surely it can be said of Doris Kearns Goodwin, the archetypical pharisaical historian, not-so-latently clintonoid, Lieberman-Paradigmatic (i.e., clinton is an unfit president; therefore clinton must remain president), intellectually dishonest, (habitually doing what the Arthur Schlesingers of this world do: making history into the proof of their theories). The Forbids 400's argument is shamelessly spurious. They get all unhinged over the impeachment of clinton, claiming that it will "leave the presidency permanently disfigured and diminished, at the mercy as never before of the caprices of any Congress." Yet they dismiss the real and present--and future!!--danger to the presidency and the country of not impeaching and removing this admittedly unfit, (Goodwin) "documentably dysfunctional," (NYT) presidency-diminishing, (Goodwin) power-abusing, psychopathic thug. Doris Kearns Goodwin and those 400 other hog-and-bow-tied-save-clinton retrograde-obsessing historiographers are a supercilious, power-hungry, egomaniacal lot in their own right. For them, clinton validates what Ogden Nash merely hypothesized: Any buffoon can make history, but only a great man can write it.