I don't know who else sits on this Board, however, if they're not muslim. they should follow the Jewish dudes lead and get off that Board, all in a formal protest of what Islam appears to be saying to anyone who isn't a muslim. The followers of mohammed need to understand us Christians and Jews (and Hindus and Buddhists, and anyone else) are not going to be treated as second to them or anyone else. Hey, this is America, not Arabia. Please leave if YOU can't accept OUR system of acceptance.
I'm a little surprised no one else has left, Farrakhan hates whites as much as Jews.
They can't go to Arabia because they would lose their free handouts. Besides, most of the members of Louie's little group are black. Arab muslims are not fond of their black counterparts. How many blacks do you see in Iraq that are not one of ours? What a bunch of racist buffoons!!!