Well up here we got homes around 150-200 thousand and I live in a 110-thousand dollar home and have to work two custodial jobs over 60 hours a week to stay here. I don't even make 40-thousand doing that.
This standardized test opposition is led by the National Education Association that doesn't want its members held accountable. I realize that parents make a big difference and that no matter what a teacher does (think home schooling here) the parents are key in children's success in school.
One of my jobs is a government job and I would gladly take some sort of pay freeze to help taxpayers. The taxing and spending has to stop. Over 60 percent of school budgets here go to salaries and benefits. Government is too big and too bloated. Its not just administration that's getting a good deal. You could be starting at Wal-Mart for 15-20 thousand a year, you know.
The National Education Association is the enemy and they hate No Child Left Behind because it forces their members to teach about reading and writing instead of making Jay Bennish speeches. Are you aware of all the political correctness in education? Does that bother you?