Thanks - I don't mind the hazing - I learn best when I have a question and ask it regardless of the return of exchanges.
Everyone has an opinion....which is good....what is also good is there are those who constantly seek to pick away at topics rather than accept the general line of pacification...
There are many aspects of sexuality which have been hidden, or changed over the evolution of man.... thinking here of the primate upright walking and the replacement (displacement) and size change of the sexual organs in both male and female to new positions to accommodate the new body design.
If there is a homosexual element in our development I would hope there will be enough curious humans over the future decades to get at the truth.
Nature herself has homosexuality activity in many animals - and while humans are not animals, and we do have the gift of decision-making and choice - I think nature wins the war over choice in some instances - and perhaps homosexuality is one choice which hasn't much of a chance. I don't know.
I figure questions are worth asking of learned members here, and don't mean to inflame people just want opinions - opinion is one of the few personal attributes we get to keep and nurture these days - we must guard them - but we must also be willing to look at what we perceive to be the "dark side" too on occasion, either to re-validate our own beliefs, or to update them.
hey, hey, hey....there will be none of that 'logical reasoning' here. Especially on something as cut-and-dried as the inherent evils of homosexuality. After all, they're all out to get our kids and recruit us as well. :-) /sarcasm
Unfortunately, there are all too many people here on FR that are just as close-minded as the (for lack of a better term) 'gay lobby' that they belittle. It is this diametrical opposition that will delay the real answers about homosexuality from coming out for at least the span of my generation, IMHO.
"Nature herself has homosexuality activity in many animals..."
Actually not true. Most activity that people call homosexual in animals is merely dominance displays, or faux mating. Very seldom do animals actually practice same sex gratification. And usually if it happens, it's in zoos, not exactly the natural environment. Or when the sexes are segrated.
No, animals do not as a rule practice homosexuality. But, just to make a point, even if they did - they also regularly do things like eat excrement, devour their or others' young, practice incest, and so on.
Try DU -they will nurture and protect the homosexual agenda you promote here and probably agree with the propaganda you post here.
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