I read about this study over 30 years ago - I only remember that it was done in the 60s in Britain. I did find a couple of other studies that make reference to the same conclusions.
Lindy Heinecken Centre for Military Sudies, Military Academy, University of Stellenbosch - Published in African Security Review Vol 8 No 5, 1999: "Other studies have discovered that mothers, who suffered severe stress during pregnancy, had a higher incidence of gay sons. Increased adrenaline levels caused by stress lower the testosterone level in the male foetus. This is believed to influence sexual orientation. Similarly, the use of synthetic oestrogen used to reduce the risk of miscarriage has been associated with an increased incidence of lesbian daughters."
This study of rats was done in 1972:
"Abstract: Male rats were exposed to prenatal (i.e. before they were born) or postnatal (after they were born) stress, or both. The prenatally stressed males showed low levels of male copulatory behavior and high rates of female lordotic responding. Postnatal stress had no effect. The modifications are attributed to stress-mediated alterations in the ratio of adrenal to gonadal androgens during critical stages of sexual differentiation. Specifically, it appears that stress causes an increase in the weak adrenal androgen, androstendione, from the maternal fetal adrenal cortices, or both, and a concurrent decrease in the potent gonadal androgen, testosterone."
Parental Stress Feminizes and Demasculizes the Behavior of Males, Science, January 7, 1972 (83-84).
If I had the time (which I don't) to do the research, I'm sure I could find the study I read about years ago.
Might I politely suggest that if you haven't the time to find and reproduce your cite that you quit wasting our time by repeatedly referencing it?