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To: little jeremiah

Great analogy.

And so true.

America is lulled right now.

173 posted on 03/10/2006 4:25:24 PM PST by Rushmore Rocks
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To: tmp02; Oorang; drymans wife; MamaDearest; nwctwx; Domestic Church; Rushmore Rocks; Labyrinthos; ...
Terrorism Summary 02/24/06

Wow, TM has had 1.7+ million views. Current threat situation indicates Italy and Australia with a HIGH threat potential. Activity in the Taliban strongholds along the Afghanistan / Pakistan border are on the upswing.

Let me know if you want on or off the Ping list.

03/10/06  Current National Homeland Defense threat level is YELLOW

1. Attack threat windows - America
03/10/06  Primary Window:  No significant primary attack windows are apparent. However, 03/04/06 al-Zawahri video leave open a 30 day window. Other rumors reported talk about a big operation. However, this talk currently seems to be focused upon Iraq and further efforts by AQ to create a Iraqi civil war.

03/10/06 Secondary windows:  None currently identified.

2. Attack Indicators - America
03/10/06 Purported "Al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier, U.S.A": Last Warning to American People - Two Operations Will Occur; Your Homeland Security Agency Must Surrender; States Far Away From Washington, D.C. Such as Arizona Will Be Hit; We Await Orders From Our Commander Osama Bin Laden; America Will Be Brought to its Knees
On March 10, 2006, the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) posted, on the Islamic websites, a final warning to the American people, on behalf of "Rakan Ben Williams" who defines himself as "Al-Qaeda under cover soldier, USA [sic]." Excerpted
Godzilla note: ‘Ben Williams’ returns, but so far his threats have not panned out.

3. Current Terrorist Operations

03/04/06 A recording believed to be Al-Qaeda's deputy leader has urged Muslims to attack the West over the cartoon row. Ayman al-Zawahri called for strikes similar to attacks in recent years on New York, Washington, Madrid and London, according to an audio tape posted on the Internet.
The speaker on a the tape, who sounded like Zawahri also urged Muslims to boycott Denmark, Norway, France and Germany over cartoons deemed offensive to Prophet Muhammad, referring to cartoons first published in a Danish newspaper. - snip -
The tape said: "(Muslims have to) inflict losses on the crusader West, especially to its economic infrastructure with strikes that would make it bleed for years. "We have to prevent the crusader West from stealing the Muslims' oil which is being drained in the biggest robbery in history," he added.
The authenticity of the tape could not be independently verified, but it was posted on Web site that is frequently used by Islamist groups.

Godzilla note: Evaluating to see if another 30 day attack window is likely. Last message pair / attack window may have been interrupted and put on hold due to the Pakistiani attack targeting Zawahiri.

03/07/06  Excerpted - There are five primary themes in this new al-Zawahiri tape. The first is the development of a deeply anti-Western theory of the world based on current events, wherein there is a grand conspiracy to undermine the Islamic faith. Al-Zawahiri describes the publication of cartoons satirizing Prophet Muhammad as part of a crusader plot against the Muslims, saying that the publication is "an example of the hatred of the crusaders led by America."  

A second theme is the oppression of the Palestinians. Al-Zawahiri voices his support for Hamas's refusal to recognize Israel, and urges them to "continue the armed struggle." He describes previous deals between the Palestinian Authority and Israel as "surrender accords," and lashes out at previous secular governments that ruled over the Palestinians.

In a third theme, al-Zawahiri urges Muslims to attack the West. He says that those attacks should hurt the West economically: "[Muslims have to] inflict losses on the crusader West, especially to its economic infrastructure with strikes that would make it bleed for years."

A fourth theme emerges naturally from that: the importance of oil. Al-Zawahiri describes the alleged theft of Muslim oil by Western countries as the "biggest robbery in history."-snip-  al-Qaeda's interest in disrupting the oil supply; since then, al-Zawahiri expressly called for attacks on Gulf oil facilities in a December video.

And a fifth theme that Zawahiri puts forward is the need for Muslims to support Islamic terrorists financially. He says that al-Qaeda and similar groups are on the "front line" in defending Islam.

This al-Qaeda tape appears not to have been intended primarily for a Western audience, but instead for a Muslim one. As such, it provides insight into what the terrorist group believes will bolster its appeal in the Islamic world.

Cartoon Intifada
“When hate speech is aimed at Jews, it’s OK,” said Gary Ratner, executive director of the local chapter of the American Jewish Congress. “But when they perceive hate speech aimed at Muslims, it’s not OK.”

Authorities in a number of Muslims countries have acted against newspapers for publishing the controversial Mohammed cartoons, but in Yemen a journalist may soon be fighting for his life after prosecutors demanded his execution.

Note: The Cartoon Jihad links have been updated here:

              Southern  ASIA Region

Australia - Commonwealth games alert
03/05/06 An urgent anti-terror operation has been launched in Melbourne only 10 days before the Commonwealth Games begin. Senior intelligence sources have told the Sunday Herald Sun that agents are watching known associates of suspects identified during the anti-terrorist sting, Operation Pendennis, which culminated in the arrest of 19 men in Melbourne and Sydney in December. They have also focused on radical Islamic convert Gregory Middap, also known as Helmut Kirsch.
Kirsch has a history of violence and was a member of the right-wing National Action group before converting to Islam. ASIO has raided his North Melbourne hostel, which looks after homeless people, and released prisoners on at least one occasion, in 2003 after Kirsch visited Afghanistan. And security services are monitoring Preston-based fundamentalist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. At the same time, suspected terror cells are being investigated in Canberra and Perth. Excerpted,10117,18355472-421,00.html

03/10/06 ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) believes a terrorist attack remains 'feasible' at next week's Games and experts are warning that Melbourne may not be the only target. With thousands of security personnel, including members of the Australian Defence Force concentrated in Victoria, terrorists may see an opportunity to strike in other locations, exactly the same scenario that characterised last year's horrific London bombings.

              East  ASIA Region

03/06/06  The White House on Thursday announced the capture of a top ally of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Asia, Riduan bin Isomuddin, also known as Hambali.   The 36-year-old Islamic scholar, a chief of the radical group Jamaah Islamiyah, is wanted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines in connection with a series of bomb attacks.  -snip -
A senior administration official called Hambali "one of the world's most lethal terrorists," saying his group, Jemaah Islamiyah, was linked to last year's deadly bombing in Bali and church bomb attacks in the Philippines.

03/10/06 Conditions are stabilizing following a military alert over a potential coup attempt.

       Middle East / SW Asia

03/07/06  At least 12 people have been killed after triple blasts rocked parts of Varanasi on Tuesday evening. -snip-    The Home Ministry has confirmed the blasts occurred at Sankat Mochan Temple and the railway station in the cantonment area. The third blast reportedly took place on the Shiv Ganga Express.,%2012%20killed&id=18914

03/06/06  Security forces regained control of government buildings and installations after a fierce artillery duel with local Taliban in Miramshah on Sunday, officials said. However, there were reports of sporadic clashes continuing in the area. The officials said that troops had expelled Taliban elements from the government buildings after a nightlong battle in which Cobra helicopter gunships were also used.
Godzilla note:  Miramshah (Miram Shah) is located in the northern portion of Waziristan just south of the border with Afghanistan.  If the Taliban are bringing out the artillery, they may be looking at dominating the area further, possibly to stage attacks into Afghanistan.   A map is at the following URL

03/06/06  Hundreds of people lugging bags and bundles of clothes fled a remote town after pro-Taliban tribesmen and foreign militants battled security forces in northwestern Pakistan, leaving at least 53 people dead in the worst clashes in the lawless region in two years. The unrest came amid mounting anger over military attacks against al-Qaida (website - news) and Taliban remnants, who have been sheltered by heavily armed tribes that have long resisted the government's control.

Godzilla Note: Combat between Pakistani and Talban allied tribes in this border region has been very intense this week. I expect things to heat up more as winter turns to summer, permitting more extensive military operations. Good thing is that having Taliban forces tied up here keeps them from harassing Afghanistani forces.

03/08/06  The United States has alleged that Iran has enough uranium gas to make 10 nuclear weapons and has called for new inspections in the Islamic Republic, a diplomat in Vienna told AFP Wednesday.  -snip- 
Schlulte said Iran had 85 tons of the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas and said this was enough to make 10 atom bombs, the diplomat reported.

Godzilla note: The diplomatic dance continues, however, the rational for a strike by US / allied forces grows with Iranian explosives found being used in attacks (see Iraq below) and other actions. Iranian rhetoric continues to be high. There are indications that NATO elements are in initial preparation mode to support any attack.

03/09/06  Nearly two dozen former insurgents recently came down from throughout the surrounding mountains of this war-torn region of Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan to lay down their arms and reconcile with the democratically elected Afghan government.  The fighters were a mixture of the Anti-Coalition Militia and included former Taliban with probable ties to al Qaeda, noted 1st Lt. James Campbell, Camp Blessing officer-incharge, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment.

03/10/06 Godzilla summary: Tensions have decreased since the bombing of the Shia shrine a couple of weeks ago. The open civil war that Al-Zarqawi was attempting to start fizzled out (much to the loss of the MSM) as both sunni and shia imans put the breaks on people’s passions. This has awakened the Sunni supporters of Al-Zarqawi and AQ up to the fact that a civil war would result in their slaughter since Saddam no longer can protect them (and Al-Zarqawi apparently doesn’t care that it would occur) and US, Allied and Iraqi troops are protecting them. This has resulted in an increase in the number and quality of tips given to authorities and greater numbers of terrorists being captured or killed. Tensions are still razor edged and another significant provication could launch a more substantial period of unrest and potential limited civil war.

03/06/06  U.S. military and intelligence officials tell ABC News that they have caught shipments of deadly new bombs at the Iran-Iraq border.   They are a very nasty piece of business, capable of penetrating U.S. troops' strongest armor.  What the United States says links them to Iran are tell-tale manufacturing signatures - certain types of machine-shop welds and material indicating they are built by the same bomb factory.   "The signature is the same because they are exactly the same in production," says explosives expert Kevin Barry. "So it's the same make and model."

03/03/06  The Multi-National Force (MNF) on Friday announced it is investigating reports on Abu Mosab Al-Zarqawi's arrest nearby Fallujah. An MNF officer did not confirm or deny the arrest, noting that the US forces are still investigating the reports.

Godzilla note: Good thing they are checking closely. They had Zarqawi once before but released him. However, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

03/07/06  Israel's defense minister warned Tuesday that Hamas leaders, including the incoming Palestinian prime minister, will not be immune from pinpointed Israeli killings if the Islamic militant group were to resume its attacks.

03/06/06  The IDF confirmed Monday evening that a missile fired by the IAF had hit the car of an Islamic Jihad operative in Gaza.   Security officials said that the target of the attack was Munir Abu Suker, a senior Islamic Jihad commander involved in bomb attacks against security forces and in the firing of Kassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets. He was also involved in smuggling weapons and operatives back and forth between Gaza and Sinai in order to facilitate their crossing into Israel to launch terror attacks.

03/06/06  Officials said military and police commanders have concluded that Palestinian insurgents based in the Gaza Strip seek to destroy the Rutenberg power station south of Ashkelon. The commanders said insurgency groups such as Islamic Jihad and Fatah have been firing Kassam-class, short-range missiles supplied by Hamas to knock out the second largest electricity generator in the country.  Excerpted

03/06/06  Intelligence reports reveal terror group nearing Israel's borders, planning to abduct, murder Israelis in Jordan. According to documents, Al-Qaeda planning mega attack near Jordan-Israel border.  -snip-
Another warning received in Israel refers to a plan of al-Qaeda's Iraqi branch to carry out a mega terror attack at the industrial factories in Irbid, Jordan, located on the border with Israel.   Numerous Israeli factories operate in the Irbid area, employing thousands of Jordanian nationals. -snip -
Jordanian security forces have apprehended during the weekend a Zarqawi terror cell sent to the country in order to blow up a hotel, a power plant and a shopping center. Four suspects were arrested in the raid.   Defense officials in Israel have also expressed concern over signs of al-Qaeda nearing Israel and the Palestinian Authority's borders.  Security sources reported that reliable intelligence information received by Israel revealed that al-Qaeda activists have succeeded in infiltrating the Gaza strip and that they were establishing local cells there. In addition, warnings that the group may infiltrate the West bank are also imminent.,7340,L-3224354,00.html

Godzilla note: That AQ is trying to establish a foothold in the hell-hole that the Palistianians have created is understandable. But I don’t think they have quite the presence suggested here. Furthermore, I think the Iraqi branch of AQ may be overextending themselves to launch a ‘mega attack’ when they are having significant difficulties in Iraq itself. Hamas and AQ are also not on the best operational terms, but would not do anything to interfer unless it interupted their plans and ambitions.


03/06/06  Three more of the 23 suspected members of al-Qaeda who escaped from A Yemeni jail in February have been recaptured, according to a Yemen government official quoted in a Reuters report. Another three fugitives had turned themselves in last month.   The group of 23 tunneled out of a high security jail south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. Among them were 13 men convicted of the 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole aircraft carrier, in which 17 American sailors were killed.   Excerpted
Godzilla note:  The Cole was not an aircraft carrier.


Great Britain
03/06/06  ANTI-TERRORIST police are believed to have smashed a radical Muslim cell operating in West Yorkshire - home of the July 7 suicide bombers. Details emerged today of arrests by the Metropolitan Police Anti Terrorist Squad at a university halls of residence in Bradford. -snip-
Scotland Yard said in a statement today: "The arrests are in connection with an investigation separate from the continuing inquiries into the events in London during July 2005."

Italy - High Threat Window due to April National Elections
03/10/06 Monitoring

03/10/06 "On Thursday, March 11, 2004, 10 rucksacks packed with explosives detonated in and around Madrid, causing the death of 191 people and injuring 1,800 more.

Godzilla note: This was the most influential terror attack since 9/11 and caused the backbone of the Spaniards to turn to jello. Now they are saddled with a radically socialist government that is trying to send what is left of the country down the drain. America could follow the same path if our leaders aren’t careful and the leftists in our country have their way.

03/09/06   Two bombs exploded near highways in northern Spain on Thursday after a warning that five devices had been planted by Basque separatists ETA, who have stepped up their violent campaign for independence in recent weeks.   Authorities said the explosions were quite small and there were no reports of injuries. Another warning came in the early afternoon that a sixth bomb had been planted in the coastal city of San Sebastian. Police cordoned off the area...

         Western Hemisphere

United States

03/03/06 Update on SUV at UNC ChapelHill . SNIPPET: Eyewitnesses say the Jeep ran into a group of people and then drove away after hitting the students. A-B-C News is reporting the motive for the attack was "retribution for the treatment of muslims around the world."

"The FBI joined the case because Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, "allegedly made statements that he acted to avenge the American treatment of Muslims. The ongoing investigation will work to confirm this," said Special Agent Richard Kolko, an FBI spokesman in Washington."
Godzilla note: This guy is a wimp and a failure. While his intentions were terroristic in thought, there are no apparent links to global jihad and most likely this guy is a loner deserving of a long time behind bars.

03/03/06 An animal rights group and six of its members were convicted of terrorism and Internet stalking yesterday by a federal jury that found them guilty of using their Web site to incite attacks on those who did business with or worked for a British company that runs an animal testing laboratory in New Jersey.

03/04/06 The Los Angeles division of the FBI says it pursued a report by a married couple who believe they met wanted al-Qaida terrorists at a California restaurant, but investigators found it to be a case of mistaken identity.
Godzilla note: A lot of conflicting stories involved here and I haven’t sorted them all out yet.

4. Attack method.
03/10/06 Between "iconic" targets (9/11) and "people" targets (subways, trains, ferries, nightclubs), expect Al Qaeda to focus on the latter. Some disagreement as to whether the next attack in the U.S., specifically, will also be against a "people" target or whether they will try to hit another "iconic" target here. Some rumors indicate that in the United States, synagogues and other Jewish institutions are said to be high on the list of targets for the next Al Qaeda attack, possibly involving chemical or other nonconventional weapons.

03/10/06 With college basketball championships underway around the country, the FBI has warned stadium operators of a possible suicide bomb attack at sporting events. In a directive issued today, obtained by ABC News, the FBI says a posting on an extremist message board "advocated suicide attacks against sporting events as a cost-effective means of killing thousands of Americans."
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say they cannot confirm the credibility of the threat or whether the message is affiliated with al Qaeda. -snip-
According to the FBI bulletin, the author of the posting recommended using "three to five blond or black American Muslim suicide bombers." The FBI says the author suggested homemade explosives be hidden under their winter clothing. The posting recommended, according to the FBI, that one suicide bomber detonate inside the stadium and the others detonate at exit gates as spectators were fleeing. -snip-

Godzilla note: Valid threat or not, the tactics would be very effective. Think again about the ‘suicide’ death of the football bomber.

5. Significant meetings canceled:
03/10/06 No new cancellations.

6. Security has been heightened in specific cities
03/10/06 Air marshals are expanding operations to mass transit sites along the east coast. Some mass transit operations are heightening security levels due to anniversary of the Spanish bombings.

7. Military operations. 
02/24/06 Summer naval exercises in the Pacific involving as many as 4 carrier groups.

8. Dept of Homeland Security. / State Department
Office of the Spokesman
This information is current as of today, Fri Mar 03 2006 16:04:56 GMT-0800.
March 03, 2006

This Public Announcement is being re-issued to remind Americans of ongoing security concerns associated with Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) attacks in northern Uganda and the potential for more LRA attacks in the future, and to advise against travel to northern Uganda. This Public Announcement replaces the Uganda Public Announcement of November 14, 2005 and expires on May 16, 2006.
The Department of State advises U.S. citizens against travel to northern Uganda following a series of LRA road ambushes and other attacks in northern Uganda and southern Sudan that have killed both foreign nationals and Ugandan citizens. A November 2005 attack in Murchison Falls National Park, a popular tourist destination in Uganda, resulted in at least six deaths. Most of these attacks occurred during daylight hours, and some occurred in areas that were previously believed to be secure. Many aid organizations working in the area have adopted more stringent security measures as a result of these increased LRA attacks. -snip -

9. Suspicious Domestic Incidents Not Currently Linked to Specific Terrorism Attempts
03/08/06  Police arrested two men Wednesday in connection with a string of rural church fires that plagued Alabama in early February.   Ben Moseley 19, and Russell Debusk were taken into custody early Wednesday, officials said, and charged with conspiracy and individual counts in the arsons at five Bibb County churches and four in west Alabama.  A third suspect is still being sought. UPDATE has been caught,2933,187183,00.html

Godzilla note: Well, these weren’t closet cartoon jihadi’s. Additional reports that one of the individuals has links to some variety of satanism/occult following.

177 posted on 03/10/2006 4:34:59 PM PST by Godzilla (Cartoons don't kill people, terrorists do.)
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To: tmp02; Oorang; drymans wife; MamaDearest; nwctwx; Domestic Church; Rushmore Rocks; Labyrinthos; ...
Terrorism Summary 03/10/06

Wow, TM has had 1.7+ million views. Current threat situation indicates Italy and Australia with a HIGH threat potential. Activity in the Taliban strongholds along the Afghanistan / Pakistan border are on the upswing.

Let me know if you want on or off the Ping list.

03/10/06  Current National Homeland Defense threat level is YELLOW

1. Attack threat windows - America
03/10/06  Primary Window:  No significant primary attack windows are apparent. However, 03/04/06 al-Zawahri video leave open a 30 day window. Other rumors reported talk about a big operation. However, this talk currently seems to be focused upon Iraq and further efforts by AQ to create a Iraqi civil war.

03/10/06 Secondary windows:  None currently identified.

2. Attack Indicators - America
03/10/06 Purported "Al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier, U.S.A": Last Warning to American People - Two Operations Will Occur; Your Homeland Security Agency Must Surrender; States Far Away From Washington, D.C. Such as Arizona Will Be Hit; We Await Orders From Our Commander Osama Bin Laden; America Will Be Brought to its Knees
On March 10, 2006, the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) posted, on the Islamic websites, a final warning to the American people, on behalf of "Rakan Ben Williams" who defines himself as "Al-Qaeda under cover soldier, USA [sic]." Excerpted
Godzilla note: ‘Ben Williams’ returns, but so far his threats have not panned out.

3. Current Terrorist Operations

03/04/06 A recording believed to be Al-Qaeda's deputy leader has urged Muslims to attack the West over the cartoon row. Ayman al-Zawahri called for strikes similar to attacks in recent years on New York, Washington, Madrid and London, according to an audio tape posted on the Internet.
The speaker on a the tape, who sounded like Zawahri also urged Muslims to boycott Denmark, Norway, France and Germany over cartoons deemed offensive to Prophet Muhammad, referring to cartoons first published in a Danish newspaper. - snip -
The tape said: "(Muslims have to) inflict losses on the crusader West, especially to its economic infrastructure with strikes that would make it bleed for years. "We have to prevent the crusader West from stealing the Muslims' oil which is being drained in the biggest robbery in history," he added.
The authenticity of the tape could not be independently verified, but it was posted on Web site that is frequently used by Islamist groups.

Godzilla note: Evaluating to see if another 30 day attack window is likely. Last message pair / attack window may have been interrupted and put on hold due to the Pakistiani attack targeting Zawahiri.

03/07/06  Excerpted - There are five primary themes in this new al-Zawahiri tape. The first is the development of a deeply anti-Western theory of the world based on current events, wherein there is a grand conspiracy to undermine the Islamic faith. Al-Zawahiri describes the publication of cartoons satirizing Prophet Muhammad as part of a crusader plot against the Muslims, saying that the publication is "an example of the hatred of the crusaders led by America."  

A second theme is the oppression of the Palestinians. Al-Zawahiri voices his support for Hamas's refusal to recognize Israel, and urges them to "continue the armed struggle." He describes previous deals between the Palestinian Authority and Israel as "surrender accords," and lashes out at previous secular governments that ruled over the Palestinians.

In a third theme, al-Zawahiri urges Muslims to attack the West. He says that those attacks should hurt the West economically: "[Muslims have to] inflict losses on the crusader West, especially to its economic infrastructure with strikes that would make it bleed for years."

A fourth theme emerges naturally from that: the importance of oil. Al-Zawahiri describes the alleged theft of Muslim oil by Western countries as the "biggest robbery in history."-snip-  al-Qaeda's interest in disrupting the oil supply; since then, al-Zawahiri expressly called for attacks on Gulf oil facilities in a December video.

And a fifth theme that Zawahiri puts forward is the need for Muslims to support Islamic terrorists financially. He says that al-Qaeda and similar groups are on the "front line" in defending Islam.

This al-Qaeda tape appears not to have been intended primarily for a Western audience, but instead for a Muslim one. As such, it provides insight into what the terrorist group believes will bolster its appeal in the Islamic world.

Cartoon Intifada
“When hate speech is aimed at Jews, it’s OK,” said Gary Ratner, executive director of the local chapter of the American Jewish Congress. “But when they perceive hate speech aimed at Muslims, it’s not OK.”

Authorities in a number of Muslims countries have acted against newspapers for publishing the controversial Mohammed cartoons, but in Yemen a journalist may soon be fighting for his life after prosecutors demanded his execution.

Note: The Cartoon Jihad links have been updated here:

              Southern  ASIA Region

Australia - Commonwealth games alert
03/05/06 An urgent anti-terror operation has been launched in Melbourne only 10 days before the Commonwealth Games begin. Senior intelligence sources have told the Sunday Herald Sun that agents are watching known associates of suspects identified during the anti-terrorist sting, Operation Pendennis, which culminated in the arrest of 19 men in Melbourne and Sydney in December. They have also focused on radical Islamic convert Gregory Middap, also known as Helmut Kirsch.
Kirsch has a history of violence and was a member of the right-wing National Action group before converting to Islam. ASIO has raided his North Melbourne hostel, which looks after homeless people, and released prisoners on at least one occasion, in 2003 after Kirsch visited Afghanistan. And security services are monitoring Preston-based fundamentalist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. At the same time, suspected terror cells are being investigated in Canberra and Perth. Excerpted,10117,18355472-421,00.html

03/10/06 ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) believes a terrorist attack remains 'feasible' at next week's Games and experts are warning that Melbourne may not be the only target. With thousands of security personnel, including members of the Australian Defence Force concentrated in Victoria, terrorists may see an opportunity to strike in other locations, exactly the same scenario that characterised last year's horrific London bombings.

              East  ASIA Region

03/06/06  The White House on Thursday announced the capture of a top ally of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Asia, Riduan bin Isomuddin, also known as Hambali.   The 36-year-old Islamic scholar, a chief of the radical group Jamaah Islamiyah, is wanted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines in connection with a series of bomb attacks.  -snip -
A senior administration official called Hambali "one of the world's most lethal terrorists," saying his group, Jemaah Islamiyah, was linked to last year's deadly bombing in Bali and church bomb attacks in the Philippines.

03/10/06 Conditions are stabilizing following a military alert over a potential coup attempt.

       Middle East / SW Asia

03/07/06  At least 12 people have been killed after triple blasts rocked parts of Varanasi on Tuesday evening. -snip-    The Home Ministry has confirmed the blasts occurred at Sankat Mochan Temple and the railway station in the cantonment area. The third blast reportedly took place on the Shiv Ganga Express.,%2012%20killed&id=18914

03/06/06  Security forces regained control of government buildings and installations after a fierce artillery duel with local Taliban in Miramshah on Sunday, officials said. However, there were reports of sporadic clashes continuing in the area. The officials said that troops had expelled Taliban elements from the government buildings after a nightlong battle in which Cobra helicopter gunships were also used.
Godzilla note:  Miramshah (Miram Shah) is located in the northern portion of Waziristan just south of the border with Afghanistan.  If the Taliban are bringing out the artillery, they may be looking at dominating the area further, possibly to stage attacks into Afghanistan.   A map is at the following URL

03/06/06  Hundreds of people lugging bags and bundles of clothes fled a remote town after pro-Taliban tribesmen and foreign militants battled security forces in northwestern Pakistan, leaving at least 53 people dead in the worst clashes in the lawless region in two years. The unrest came amid mounting anger over military attacks against al-Qaida (website - news) and Taliban remnants, who have been sheltered by heavily armed tribes that have long resisted the government's control.

Godzilla Note: Combat between Pakistani and Talban allied tribes in this border region has been very intense this week. I expect things to heat up more as winter turns to summer, permitting more extensive military operations. Good thing is that having Taliban forces tied up here keeps them from harassing Afghanistani forces.

03/08/06  The United States has alleged that Iran has enough uranium gas to make 10 nuclear weapons and has called for new inspections in the Islamic Republic, a diplomat in Vienna told AFP Wednesday.  -snip- 
Schlulte said Iran had 85 tons of the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas and said this was enough to make 10 atom bombs, the diplomat reported.

Godzilla note: The diplomatic dance continues, however, the rational for a strike by US / allied forces grows with Iranian explosives found being used in attacks (see Iraq below) and other actions. Iranian rhetoric continues to be high. There are indications that NATO elements are in initial preparation mode to support any attack.

03/09/06  Nearly two dozen former insurgents recently came down from throughout the surrounding mountains of this war-torn region of Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan to lay down their arms and reconcile with the democratically elected Afghan government.  The fighters were a mixture of the Anti-Coalition Militia and included former Taliban with probable ties to al Qaeda, noted 1st Lt. James Campbell, Camp Blessing officer-incharge, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment.

03/10/06 Godzilla summary: Tensions have decreased since the bombing of the Shia shrine a couple of weeks ago. The open civil war that Al-Zarqawi was attempting to start fizzled out (much to the loss of the MSM) as both sunni and shia imans put the breaks on people’s passions. This has awakened the Sunni supporters of Al-Zarqawi and AQ up to the fact that a civil war would result in their slaughter since Saddam no longer can protect them (and Al-Zarqawi apparently doesn’t care that it would occur) and US, Allied and Iraqi troops are protecting them. This has resulted in an increase in the number and quality of tips given to authorities and greater numbers of terrorists being captured or killed. Tensions are still razor edged and another significant provication could launch a more substantial period of unrest and potential limited civil war.

03/06/06  U.S. military and intelligence officials tell ABC News that they have caught shipments of deadly new bombs at the Iran-Iraq border.   They are a very nasty piece of business, capable of penetrating U.S. troops' strongest armor.  What the United States says links them to Iran are tell-tale manufacturing signatures - certain types of machine-shop welds and material indicating they are built by the same bomb factory.   "The signature is the same because they are exactly the same in production," says explosives expert Kevin Barry. "So it's the same make and model."

03/03/06  The Multi-National Force (MNF) on Friday announced it is investigating reports on Abu Mosab Al-Zarqawi's arrest nearby Fallujah. An MNF officer did not confirm or deny the arrest, noting that the US forces are still investigating the reports.

Godzilla note: Good thing they are checking closely. They had Zarqawi once before but released him. However, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

03/07/06  Israel's defense minister warned Tuesday that Hamas leaders, including the incoming Palestinian prime minister, will not be immune from pinpointed Israeli killings if the Islamic militant group were to resume its attacks.

03/06/06  The IDF confirmed Monday evening that a missile fired by the IAF had hit the car of an Islamic Jihad operative in Gaza.   Security officials said that the target of the attack was Munir Abu Suker, a senior Islamic Jihad commander involved in bomb attacks against security forces and in the firing of Kassam rockets at Israeli civilian targets. He was also involved in smuggling weapons and operatives back and forth between Gaza and Sinai in order to facilitate their crossing into Israel to launch terror attacks.

03/06/06  Officials said military and police commanders have concluded that Palestinian insurgents based in the Gaza Strip seek to destroy the Rutenberg power station south of Ashkelon. The commanders said insurgency groups such as Islamic Jihad and Fatah have been firing Kassam-class, short-range missiles supplied by Hamas to knock out the second largest electricity generator in the country.  Excerpted

03/06/06  Intelligence reports reveal terror group nearing Israel's borders, planning to abduct, murder Israelis in Jordan. According to documents, Al-Qaeda planning mega attack near Jordan-Israel border.  -snip-
Another warning received in Israel refers to a plan of al-Qaeda's Iraqi branch to carry out a mega terror attack at the industrial factories in Irbid, Jordan, located on the border with Israel.   Numerous Israeli factories operate in the Irbid area, employing thousands of Jordanian nationals. -snip -
Jordanian security forces have apprehended during the weekend a Zarqawi terror cell sent to the country in order to blow up a hotel, a power plant and a shopping center. Four suspects were arrested in the raid.   Defense officials in Israel have also expressed concern over signs of al-Qaeda nearing Israel and the Palestinian Authority's borders.  Security sources reported that reliable intelligence information received by Israel revealed that al-Qaeda activists have succeeded in infiltrating the Gaza strip and that they were establishing local cells there. In addition, warnings that the group may infiltrate the West bank are also imminent.,7340,L-3224354,00.html

Godzilla note: That AQ is trying to establish a foothold in the hell-hole that the Palistianians have created is understandable. But I don’t think they have quite the presence suggested here. Furthermore, I think the Iraqi branch of AQ may be overextending themselves to launch a ‘mega attack’ when they are having significant difficulties in Iraq itself. Hamas and AQ are also not on the best operational terms, but would not do anything to interfer unless it interupted their plans and ambitions.


03/06/06  Three more of the 23 suspected members of al-Qaeda who escaped from A Yemeni jail in February have been recaptured, according to a Yemen government official quoted in a Reuters report. Another three fugitives had turned themselves in last month.   The group of 23 tunneled out of a high security jail south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. Among them were 13 men convicted of the 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole aircraft carrier, in which 17 American sailors were killed.   Excerpted
Godzilla note:  The Cole was not an aircraft carrier.


Great Britain
03/06/06  ANTI-TERRORIST police are believed to have smashed a radical Muslim cell operating in West Yorkshire - home of the July 7 suicide bombers. Details emerged today of arrests by the Metropolitan Police Anti Terrorist Squad at a university halls of residence in Bradford. -snip-
Scotland Yard said in a statement today: "The arrests are in connection with an investigation separate from the continuing inquiries into the events in London during July 2005."

Italy - High Threat Window due to April National Elections
03/10/06 Monitoring

03/10/06 "On Thursday, March 11, 2004, 10 rucksacks packed with explosives detonated in and around Madrid, causing the death of 191 people and injuring 1,800 more.

Godzilla note: This was the most influential terror attack since 9/11 and caused the backbone of the Spaniards to turn to jello. Now they are saddled with a radically socialist government that is trying to send what is left of the country down the drain. America could follow the same path if our leaders aren’t careful and the leftists in our country have their way.

03/09/06   Two bombs exploded near highways in northern Spain on Thursday after a warning that five devices had been planted by Basque separatists ETA, who have stepped up their violent campaign for independence in recent weeks.   Authorities said the explosions were quite small and there were no reports of injuries. Another warning came in the early afternoon that a sixth bomb had been planted in the coastal city of San Sebastian. Police cordoned off the area...

         Western Hemisphere

United States

03/03/06 Update on SUV at UNC ChapelHill . SNIPPET: Eyewitnesses say the Jeep ran into a group of people and then drove away after hitting the students. A-B-C News is reporting the motive for the attack was "retribution for the treatment of muslims around the world."

"The FBI joined the case because Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, "allegedly made statements that he acted to avenge the American treatment of Muslims. The ongoing investigation will work to confirm this," said Special Agent Richard Kolko, an FBI spokesman in Washington."
Godzilla note: This guy is a wimp and a failure. While his intentions were terroristic in thought, there are no apparent links to global jihad and most likely this guy is a loner deserving of a long time behind bars.

03/03/06 An animal rights group and six of its members were convicted of terrorism and Internet stalking yesterday by a federal jury that found them guilty of using their Web site to incite attacks on those who did business with or worked for a British company that runs an animal testing laboratory in New Jersey.

03/04/06 The Los Angeles division of the FBI says it pursued a report by a married couple who believe they met wanted al-Qaida terrorists at a California restaurant, but investigators found it to be a case of mistaken identity.
Godzilla note: A lot of conflicting stories involved here and I haven’t sorted them all out yet.

4. Attack method.
03/10/06 Between "iconic" targets (9/11) and "people" targets (subways, trains, ferries, nightclubs), expect Al Qaeda to focus on the latter. Some disagreement as to whether the next attack in the U.S., specifically, will also be against a "people" target or whether they will try to hit another "iconic" target here. Some rumors indicate that in the United States, synagogues and other Jewish institutions are said to be high on the list of targets for the next Al Qaeda attack, possibly involving chemical or other nonconventional weapons.

03/10/06 With college basketball championships underway around the country, the FBI has warned stadium operators of a possible suicide bomb attack at sporting events. In a directive issued today, obtained by ABC News, the FBI says a posting on an extremist message board "advocated suicide attacks against sporting events as a cost-effective means of killing thousands of Americans."
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say they cannot confirm the credibility of the threat or whether the message is affiliated with al Qaeda. -snip-
According to the FBI bulletin, the author of the posting recommended using "three to five blond or black American Muslim suicide bombers." The FBI says the author suggested homemade explosives be hidden under their winter clothing. The posting recommended, according to the FBI, that one suicide bomber detonate inside the stadium and the others detonate at exit gates as spectators were fleeing. -snip-

Godzilla note: Valid threat or not, the tactics would be very effective. Think again about the ‘suicide’ death of the football bomber.

5. Significant meetings canceled:
03/10/06 No new cancellations.

6. Security has been heightened in specific cities
03/10/06 Air marshals are expanding operations to mass transit sites along the east coast. Some mass transit operations are heightening security levels due to anniversary of the Spanish bombings.

7. Military operations. 
02/24/06 Summer naval exercises in the Pacific involving as many as 4 carrier groups.

8. Dept of Homeland Security. / State Department
Office of the Spokesman
This information is current as of today, Fri Mar 03 2006 16:04:56 GMT-0800.
March 03, 2006

This Public Announcement is being re-issued to remind Americans of ongoing security concerns associated with Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) attacks in northern Uganda and the potential for more LRA attacks in the future, and to advise against travel to northern Uganda. This Public Announcement replaces the Uganda Public Announcement of November 14, 2005 and expires on May 16, 2006.
The Department of State advises U.S. citizens against travel to northern Uganda following a series of LRA road ambushes and other attacks in northern Uganda and southern Sudan that have killed both foreign nationals and Ugandan citizens. A November 2005 attack in Murchison Falls National Park, a popular tourist destination in Uganda, resulted in at least six deaths. Most of these attacks occurred during daylight hours, and some occurred in areas that were previously believed to be secure. Many aid organizations working in the area have adopted more stringent security measures as a result of these increased LRA attacks. -snip -

9. Suspicious Domestic Incidents Not Currently Linked to Specific Terrorism Attempts
03/08/06  Police arrested two men Wednesday in connection with a string of rural church fires that plagued Alabama in early February.   Ben Moseley 19, and Russell Debusk were taken into custody early Wednesday, officials said, and charged with conspiracy and individual counts in the arsons at five Bibb County churches and four in west Alabama.  A third suspect is still being sought. UPDATE has been caught,2933,187183,00.html

Godzilla note: Well, these weren’t closet cartoon jihadi’s. Additional reports that one of the individuals has links to some variety of satanism/occult following.

178 posted on 03/10/2006 4:36:05 PM PST by Godzilla (Cartoons don't kill people, terrorists do.)
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