The quote, taken from the Libertarian Party Statement of Principles ...
" We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose "
... has no such wording and indicates man should be allowed to live socially with others in any manner of his choosing.
Hardly a recipe for a successful United States.
"...has no such wording and indicates man should be allowed to live socially with others in any manner of his choosing."
You left out two importand (and STRNGLY IMPLIED) words: " any PEACEABLE and RESPONSIBLE manner of his choosing." As none if the L/libertarians I ever knew was a fan of the welfare state, nor a strong fan of total anarchy, those two words are ALWAYS implied when discussing topics such as this. Further, Jeffersons words can EQUALLY be construed to cover living socially amongst others in a peaceable and responsible manner of one's own choosing, a MARVELOUS recipe for a successful United States or any OTHER nation.
Bear in mind that when the Founders signed off on the Declaration of Independence, they specifically used the phrase, "...consent of the governed." The Constitution implements that consent. BUT one cannot give consent to ANYONE, be it his neighbor or his congresscritter, to do something in his name or on his behalf, that HE DOES NOT ALREADY HAVE THE LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY TO DO FOR HIMSELF. Remember, they were in essence saying that the government was the AGENT of We, the People. And an agent can do NOTHING his principal cannot properly do. This is where a lot of conservatives fall down. You have a strong tendency to want to have government RULE us and that is utterly anathema to the free society/Constitutional Republic handed us by the Founders. That is why we are in such a mess today. Read my tagline.