"The Left in this country is in complete disarray without any believeable or useful ideas. Elsewhere, they're not doing much better."
Hardly true. Venezuela is in the process of going communist. Mexico may elect a very leftist (practically communist) president soon. Brazil already has one.
The EU is heavily socialistic.
The Left in America has plenty of ideas---they just can't talk about them in public because they all have to do with destroying our society in one way or another, such as homosexuality, socialism, pacifism, etc. Nonetheless, the Left in America controls our educational system, K through Ph.D., the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, the State Department, and as far as I'm concerned the whole lot of them are largely controlled by Russia.
True, the Russian leaders no longer believe in Leftist ideology, but they are essentially KGB and continue to hold the puppet strings of the worldwide organized left (WHOL) formerly known as International Communism.
In Europe, socialism is popular but under heavy pressure. They'll have to modify it to bring it into line with reality. Some of the things they come up with may be useful to us, since we too must make adjustments. Europeans are not our enemies because of it. I have no problem with them.
You're characterization of the power of the Left in America is off the deep end. Their control of our educational system is under serious challange. Ditto mainstream media. Homosexuality and pacificm will always exist regardless of the system. The Democratic party is a perfect example of the disarray I'm talking about.
Russia is controlled by KGB but that's not the problem. It's very close to disintegration. If it fails Muslims will gain additional power.