Humans are of the group, that have few children and invest their lives in them.
Would not neanderthal do the same?
The question is whether a human woman would invest her life raising the progeny of a Neandertal man who raped her. I rather doubt it myself.
I would take you back to not putting too much into the fact that the skeletons look a like.
Did Neanderthals love their children? Don't know. Do cows love their calves? They certainly are attached to them for a while, but they don't appear to love them in our sense. They certainly don't raise them with a concept for the future. But my point wasn't that they didn't love them, it was that they might have grown up much faster.
If a person grew up to adult size and reproductive capability in 2 years vice 13-16, then they would be better at fending for themselves physically, but worse mentally.
Why are you assuming that Neanderthals were human? A goose isn't a duck, despite their similarities.