Sure. Every pro-lifer supports allowing abortion in the case of the life of the mother. The problem isn't the life of the mother, but the health of the mother...which becomes the mental health of the mother (thanks to the judiciary) which is an exception that you can drive a truck through.
I'd like to know what crisis situation could arise so suddenly and so expectedly with a competent OB in charge, that would justify all the required time to allow the baby's head to be out far enough to be visible, and that would precipitate stabbing that baby's head and killing that baby, who is now delivered into the world ... only dead now .. instead of doing a Caesarian. And this time-consuming choice is somehow safeguarding the mother's health?
A competent OB would know that the mother might be too small to deliver naturally prior to the birth and plan for a Caesarian .. that would already be in the plan. I'm remain convinced that the need for this lib "last ditch baby killing" .. aided by docs with an agenda .. is a farce.