By the way, is a lawyer somehow better able to get elected to public office than anyone of another profession? If so, you may want to blame The People for electing them.
In a profession (politicians) filled with liars and thieves........birds of a feather.
By the way, is a lawyer somehow better able to get elected to public office than anyone of another profession? If so, you may want to blame The People for electing them.>>>>>>>>
Interesting question, judging from results the answer is yes, they do. They are far more likely to have contacts within the circles of power than most of us. I do blame the people for electing so many lawyers. I blame the lawyers for changing the laws so that almost anyone who can scratch an X can vote. I think we need to go back to the old standards and disqualify a huge proportion of the electorate. I rate the chance of this happening as somewhere between slim and none and Slim was last seen sinking under the waves in the middle of some ocean. Therefore I see the chance of our returning to constitutional law as it was conceived by the founding fathers as so miniscule as to be unmeasurable.