I am a software engineer with over 30 years experience. I have kept current in software and electrical engineering. I am currently paid at 75% of what I was merely three years ago. My family is drawing from savings every month just to live. Don't tell either Willie or myself that we don't know what this is all about. The misguided economic policies of this administration are indeed impacting the earning capabilities of well educated people.
Don't feed me that line about finding a job that makes better use of my skills. I am an engineer with science, math, and electronics training and experience. These jobs are just plain disappearing.
I am not a banker or a real estate agent in my brain. There are NO appropriate uses of my training, skills, and cranial abilities except engineering. To suggest that we retrain is like telling Einstein that he should give up math and sell shoes.
BTTT! Excellent response to the "let them eat cake" crowd around here.
If you seriously think we are going to buy your "I'm a VICTIM of that big meanie Bush" mantra, and that you are incapable of changing your direction, then you are seriously in need mental counseling.