Look, please define redistribution.
You're calling something redistribution when it isn't.
Redistribution is taking from one party and giving it to another. The prebate, which you're falsely calling redistribution, is giving the consumer their tax money on essentials up front, before the purchases are made. That's not redistribution.
I would rather not have the prebate at all, personally, but I understand the political realities involved in gaining support. In a perfect world, we would fund the Federal Government on tariffs only.
So in order to qualify, you must prove that you spend that much money??? Nope, any bum on the stree qualifies. They can spend virtually nothing, but yet recieve their $300 per month or whatever it works out to be. A citicizen who might be spending 6 months in Canada or where ever, still qualifies. You are giving taxpayer money to everyone, including people who somehow avoid paying taxes. That is redistribution by any definition.