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To: indcons

The threat is that India will lose US nuclear assistance if they don't vote against Iran. This threat is real. Actually I am fairly confident that India will make the right choice, despite the bad advice of certain anti-American Iranian-jihadist sympathizing dhimmis here at FR.

15 posted on 01/30/2006 6:00:10 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: Tailgunner Joe

As I have said before (and continue to maintain): we have more in common as people than we have differences. As countries, we must do our best to put Cold War histories behind us and prepare for the future.

However, such a friendly relationship should be based on friendship, mutual respect, and mutual interests. I have no doubt that we are already seeing a sea change in India-USA relationships...things can only improve from here.

Oh...and I hope that the leftists in both countries are taught a lesson by their muslim terrorist allies.

16 posted on 01/30/2006 6:06:57 PM PST by indcons
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To: Tailgunner Joe; indcons; Brilliant; AmishDude
"The threat is that India will lose US nuclear assistance if they don't vote against Iran."

---Thats no threat at all. Its a reality already. The Democrat party, State Department and the NPT mafia in the US are filled with India-baiters. (The same ones who came up with the comment that if Iran cannot have nukes how come US is giving it to India.)
Fact is the US is in no position to get the deal approved. It knows that. The US is using the Iranian excuse for what it cant deliver anyway. We already called that bluff the last time we voted against Iran. If we vote against Iran we will merely have a better case to argue but its no guaranty that the deal will be approved.

The best part about the deal is not that we are getting US technology but the fact that it opens the door for other players to go for nuclear deal with India. If the US is able to deliver the technology well and good if not, we lose nothing. It will pave the way for Russia or France to provide the technology.

Most people here dont realise that India voting against Iran is merely a goodwill gesture on part of India. Some people here just want to see us become yet another of America's lackeys like Pakistan.
21 posted on 01/30/2006 10:02:08 PM PST by Gengis Khan
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