going lower and lower....
To: Sub-Driver
How am I going to juggle two IDs? Seriesly, this is BS!!! [\s-a-r-c-a-s-m]
2 posted on
01/30/2006 5:05:26 PM PST by
To: Sub-Driver
3 posted on
01/30/2006 5:05:45 PM PST by
(Kenneth Blackwell for Governor of Ohio!)
To: Sub-Driver
Well isn't that pretty darn special.
4 posted on
01/30/2006 5:06:28 PM PST by
Dog Gone
To: Sub-Driver
The Stately Homos of England....
5 posted on
01/30/2006 5:09:28 PM PST by
To: Sub-Driver
It's amazing what science can do. Before:
And after...
6 posted on
01/30/2006 5:11:23 PM PST by
To: Sub-Driver
Wow, it does seem that Labour is truly tackling the most difficult issues facing the world today...
7 posted on
01/30/2006 5:18:15 PM PST by
(Proudly not "dumb as a journalist.")
To: Sub-Driver
and this isn't a planted story by The Onion, either!
17 posted on
01/30/2006 5:35:23 PM PST by
To: DirtyHarryY2K; DBeers
Swirling down the drain as quickly as possible.
To: Sub-Driver
Give me a break...............This is so absurb.
To: Sub-Driver
I simply mean I can't believe alledgely grown up people voting on this much less put up to a vote.
To: Sub-Driver
To: Sub-Driver
This IS special. Now a transexual can himself marry herself and that is so special.
29 posted on
01/30/2006 6:27:31 PM PST by
(May you live long enough to hear the legends of your own adventures.)
To: Sub-Driver
So now being a different sex isn't good enough, they want to be both at the same time? Sex. Pick ONE.
To: Sub-Driver
Can forms that read "Male ___ Female ___ Both ___" be far behind?
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