I'm sorry you feel that way. I have been neither.
Now I'll school you on WR.
You imply our side is acting like 4 yr. olds. That is rude. I'm assuming you have issue with us taking photos of the pinkos... as if we're only doing it to taunt them. You are wrong again.
Pinkos regularly and shamelessly lie about what goes on and what they do at their vigils protests. They claim soldiers and families stop and thank them. LIE. They claim Rolling Thunder members give them thumbs up. LIE. They deny carrying certain signs and saying certain things. LIE. They deny stealing property. They accuse others of threatening them. LIES upon LIES upon more LIES. All of their actions are documented via photos and video to expose these lies. This documentation has forced them to curtail their more offensive activities. Now our recovering troops don't have to be faced with it. We do this to protect the truth and the troops.
You wre both wrong and rude.