To: tgslTakoma; beandog; BufordP
Beandog for Attorney General
Coop for SecDef.
BufordP for Sec of Homeland Security.
Bmwcyle for Sec of Education...
376 posted on
01/31/2006 5:42:21 AM PST by
(Apple Blossom for President!)
To: tgslTakoma
Could I please sit on the Supreme Court instead? What a great job that would be. Lifetime appointment, don't have to work 12 months a year, pretty good salary, get to really piss people off and who cares if they don't like you. My perfect job.
381 posted on
01/31/2006 7:32:16 AM PST by
(Poor, poor Pinkos. Beat at your own little game) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson